3 free Apps that can better your University degree..
Can you go a day without them? |
In our world today, some many people will do anything to gain admission into the best university in their country, but things never really go as plan or do they!. Today I will tell you 3 free apps that will make you regret going for only a degree.
All the struggle you went through just to gain a decorated piece of paper.
Except you study a medical or law related course, you certificate might turn out to be useless in the real world, How do I mean?
Before I say anything, let me ask you a few question.
1. What is education?
2. What is degree?
3. Do you think having a degree makes you employable?
I'm super sure you know the answers to all my question, and you should also know that " education is not equal to degree ". Yeah right! sincerely speaking, can you really defend your so called degree, are you educated enough in your field of study that you can apply it in the real world, not in your examinations that you could easily you know do what you do to pass.
If education is what gives you that degree and education is information so where can you can get info.
Here are the top 3 free apps that will give you better education that your university did.
Google it" |
Every body knows Google, if you don't you can " ask Google " lol...
In our normal day to day life, every single question we couldn't answer we Google it.
From a simple assignment to project to medical question to how to make money, we just Google it, so tell me why can't you get enough education on your field of study when your so called lecturers use this same Google to prepare notes, exams and project for you.
You can testify that most of your lecturers don't even understand what they bring to the class, they just walk in with a sheet of paper they downloaded from Google and start reading to you, without proper explanation.
Google if use properly can make a better software engineer, entrepreneur, mathematician, journalist, manager, marketer, etc than the university you attended especially in this part of the world, damn right I have a degree in computer science but I don't even know how to do a proper software software, whatever they call it, many people don't end up working in the same field of work as their field of study. Google has a lot of directories that can take you to platform to learn from people who has succeeded in your area of specialization, you can register on this platform filled with both local and international students and still earn a decorated pieces of paper only this time you are more educated and more modern (especially in this country where you lecturers still lecture about obsolete things).
Free videos |
Who doesn't love YouTube, if you don't its probably because of the rate at which your data will be consumed. YouTube is a great app to learn anything, especially when you need to see a virtual representation of the topic you want to learn. The best app for people who finds reading very difficult and have hard time understanding written information. There is no tutorial that doesn't exist on YouTube, there is a YouTube saying " you will have to live 300 years to watch all the video on YouTube" that is you have to watch these videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year till you complete 300 years. Every single search you make can be found on YouTube, you can easily subscribe to a channel, watch and learn the MODERN way things are done. I mean which professional programmer today didn't had to watch a video on YouTube?. You can even learn how to give first aid from YouTube, (don't try this).
Hate reading, listen to it |
Podcast is known to very few people, for those who don't know it is all of your favorite blogs, topic and show wrapped up in a very big hub of recordings that you can browse, listen and download as audio file, they is a saying "if you can Google it, there is probably a topic about it. " From talk shows to your favorite novel are all downloadable from the podcast. Every single topic imaginable can all be found here, it is like a radio only it is free and easy for anybody to own a podcast channel. So for those of you who don't like piling up books or having lots of videos of your favorite topic, you can always have the audio file of it, so you can listen from anyway, anytime.
These apps made all of us a better students, I can defend that anywhere, even professor uses them.